Tobacco Education Program
Mission Statement
To improve and protect the health of all Tehama County residents by increasing awareness of health risks of tobacco use and eliminating tobacco-related disparities through policy and environmental changes.
Program Information
Tehama County Tobacco Education Program is a program funded by the California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP) which is a program of the California Department of Public Health. CTPP has been a leader in tobacco prevention for over 30 years, working immensely on keeping tobacco out of the hands of youth, helping tobacco users quit, and supporting the right for everyone to be able to live, work and play in tobacco free environments.
The Tobacco Education Program works in several jurisdictions throughout Tehama County to advance local policy, systems, and environmental changes to reduce the exposure to tobacco’s harmful effects. The Tobacco Education Program is made possible by funds received from the California Department of Public Health, under contract #CTCP-21-52.
Contact Us
Tobacco Education Program
1850 Walnut Street, Ste. C
Red Bluff, CA 96080
(530) 527-6824
Program Director
Carissa Crawford, B.S., B.A.
(530) 527-6824 ext. 3650
Program Coordinator
Denise Sandez-Rivera, MPH
(530) 527-6824 ext. 3643